Nov 17, 2015

Law Enforcement and the Media..

Mother of Johnson STEAM academy student sues school district, police officer over lunchroom incident

These are the kind of headlines that cause mass hatred for all police. Despite the fact that deep down we know that not all law enforcement officers are this way. We have seen headlines and videos on social media of the good deeds that officers do, and the differences that they make in lives. I fully believe that there are more good officers than there are bad. You can't see it because MOST of the time you are just hearing about the bad headlines. Excessive force, shootings, sexual abuse, violence. etc is what is MOST often reported on. I know it's very rare that I see many headlines about officers doing good things. Yes they a positive headlines but you and I both know that good headlines don't increase viewer ratings for TV stations  or sell newspapers and magazines.  Chances are you can't remember the last time that you saw a good story about law enforcement outside of social media. They never make national news.. unless someone dies. 

How sad is that?  

There is a large portion of really great upstanding officers but you won't hear about them unless you by chance you are scrolling through your social media and find something from another state that someone else has shared. Please understand I'm certainly not blaming this on the media, but they make it so easy for the viewers and reader to conclude that all officers are corrupt and evil. Any rational person can understand the truth about law enforcement is that the majority or law enforcement is good and most do this job not because they have to but they had hopes of making a difference. The ones who growing up wanted to protect their community and family and have hopes of making the communities safer. I know some departments have body cams and i think that should be national all across the country. They should have them to not only hold accountable the officers that are clearly abusing their power but also to protect the ones who do the job as it was intended to be done. So many officers having a target on them for the job they do simply because of the ones who have done wrong. 

I cant speculate on this particular event, but I would guess that he was in the wrong if he was trying to make this complaint go away. That must have happened or they wouldn't have evidence of the gas station or the phone calls. I feel bad that this happened but does this incident make me hate CRPD? No In fact it makes me very sad because they will be judged now on this officers actions, just as the one who was found sleeping in his car. I know there are good officers.. for instance some of the NICEST officers in the department will sit at Hy-vee on 1st ave and buy kids coming in candy give them stickers and be genuinely nice people. Walking employees out to their cars late at night to make sure that they make it home safe. Who protects the Officers that are doing the right thing from being judged and targeted  by the action of a highly publicized bad cop?  

I would really love for the media to report more of the GOOD actions of our men and women in law enforcement just as much as they report the bad! Also I challenge you to post and share when you see them doing something kind or making a difference! Most of you won't but I hope some of you will! 
Even if it's a story or a photo from the past. Let's start making that change! Make it known that they are not all the same by sharing the GOOD things instead of JUST the bad!

Here are some stories that you may not have heard about that should have been more publicly shared.

These are JUST A FEW! These are the real men & women behind the thin blue line. Dont let the bad ones get in the way of remembering the good Officers! 

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