Nov 22, 2015

Best friends for sure!

Its really no big surprise that i'm not a fan of cleaning. 
I literally hate it! It's quite simply the worst form of adulting that there is. As much as I hate it  I know its just gotta get done. There is a few things that make this adulting easier and more fun for me. Its not a cool cleaning tool, its not a roomba or anything cool like that.  

Its Bar Keepers Friend, you may have seen it before and not paid it much attention. I was introduced to this wonderful stuff by my mom. I cant remember what it is that we were cleaning but I remember being super impressed. From that point on that's one thing I made sure i never ran out of!

I've used it on pretty much every surface in the bathroom that I can clean.. except maybe mirrors. Its Epic on tubs and showers! I remember my old house the shower in the basement was GROSS. Speaking of gross I have a shower in the basement in this house that has not been used in years. its just in the basement. Its gross and i never thought about trying to clean it because we really have no use for it. I really wanted a great example of how well this stuff works so here you go!
  ( see photos below )

If that is not clean I don't know what is.. let me tell you that shower was even worse than I originally thought. There was a lot of rust stains and calcium buildup. With any other cleaner that i have ever used it would have taken me several hours of scrubbing to get that even partially off. The whole thing took me a total of 40 minutes. ( ten of which i was cleaning the shower head off because it was gunked up with mineral deposits and ick stuff) 

I didn't need to use a ton, just sprinkles and scrub a little with my brush that you can see i left at the bottom.  I love the power bar keepers friend but then I realized one day at the store it also came in LIQUID SPRAY! WOOO HOOO! I have literally made my fiance drive across town to a different store to buy 4 of them. ( yep I said 4 bottles) that's how much I love it! Same strength just a different method! The bottle of bar keepers friend is cool because you can do foam or standard spray. OH and... its even sprays upside down!

Now I've shown you what it can do on the little shower of horrors in my basement. You might be thinking ok so its another bathroom cleaner.. but its NOT your mothers bathroom cleaner! This stuff works on a TON of stuff! 

  • Sinks
  • Cookware
  • Stove cooktops and exteriors
  • Countertops (non-stone)
  • Backsplashes
  • Porcelain or ceramic dishes
  • Drained floors
  • Erases rust stains from concrete, masonry, and grout
  • Removes plant stains and pollution grime from hard surfaces
  • Removes brake dust from wheels (test surface first)
  • Cleans siding, boats, vehicles, grills, tools and sports equipment!
They have a separate product that they have for cookware AND cooktop cleaners!
BAM if I haven't impressed you enough with the shower..

Ive had these pots and pans for like 5 years.. they were even in my house fire a few years ago.. i never mess with the bottom of the pans trying to make them pretty.. you can see below.
 I really don't know how much more i can tell you about this stuff. other than my cleaning cabinet has a lot more room than most because this stuff is literally all i need! I'm glad I listened to my mom on this one! This stuff is truly awesome! If I have not proven my point on how good bar keepers friend is the check out the other before and after photos that others have shared on their facebook page!
There is a reason why they say ...
"Once tried, Always used!"

I received products for free or heavily discounted for my unbiased honest review! My opinions and thoughts are my own and no one else’s!

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