Jan 3, 2016

Impatient thats me

So on December 18th we put an offer In on the house that is perfect for our family. 
It was a day we never thought would happen!! 
That very night our offer was accepted! (insert yay scream here)
 Ever since then it seems like the days get longer and the anticipation is totally insane.
Could be due to the fact that I started packing boxes up within 24 hours of the offer! (i know I know but I like to be prepared.)

We've had the inspection.. Which was pretty informative for sure. 
I quickly realized the perfect home isn't so perfect, but fixable and not cheap. 
Then again we were not the only ones who were shocked at the inspection report.

Our realtor has been a total rockstar and helped us so much along this journey I can't imagine doing this without her. She is taking care of our interests and what we want making sure that we are taken care of with this HUGE purchase.
So we have her talking to the seller and their agent in regards to the repairs. 

--Now we just have to wait for the response to it.--

I always thought growing up that buying a house was simple you find one you like make an offer and pay for it.. Nope! It's so not like buying a car or anything else for that matter.
Its frustrating and exciting all at the same time! Its like the song that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on my friends.... LOL
So between Todd and I we just say that if this is meant to be it will all fall into place.
One way or the other whats meant to be will be and if not it wont.
I think we both have very high hopes that it will work.

I realized that I have not shown you the house itself.  
Maybe now would be a good time to do that huh?

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