Jan 2, 2016

2016 what will change and what will remain the same

Happy New Year everyone! 

I don't know about you but I enjoyed my NYE! ( adult style )  I was totally OK with being in bed and asleep before midnight! YEP! That may seem boring to some but hey Ive done the bar thing.  
After a while I get sick of seeing the same ol people doing the same thing every weekend. 

I see it this way.. I save a ton of money by not going out to the bars. Not paying cover and not having to worry about how I'm going to get home at the end of the night. Truth be told I would much rather go to a friends get together and have a beer or 2 during the summer.

I'm just not the party person I use to be. Now my life revolves around my kids.. and my dogs!

2015 was a crazy year and that's no lie.  I will celebrate my 1 year anniversary with the love of my life on Jan 22! Our time together may be kinda short in reality but the road we have travelled together is long and its been bumpy at times! We seem to be able to get through darn near everything. At the end of each day bad or good I look at him and know how lucky I really am. 

Here shortly we will be out of the house I have been renting for nearly 3 years, and will move into our very own FIRST home that will be OURS! That is very exciting and also so very scary! Rent turns into MORTGAGE, repairs will be our own RESPONSIBILITY, but at the end of the day its what we need for our family to grow and be stronger than ever. 

 This year will be a year to define and refine. No more dramatics, no more negativity. There will be alot of hard work and sacrifices being made. These are things that I am looking forward to. 

I'm curious what will change for you in 2016? What new adventures will you have?


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