Dec 4, 2015

Moments of Power..MamaPower ( this was pretty emotional for me)

This is probably the best time for me to do this particular review! I think i NEED to do it now.. MOTHERS pay attention! ( and please read the whole post!)
Over a month ago I was looking at products and I stumbled across a video that really touched me. This woman was talking about being proud to be a mom! ( I stand with you there Anya! ) She also touched base on something that I never really thought much about until she put the words out there... and then I remembered back to when I have my lil ones..
As a woman being pregnant there is typically a lot of kind words, compliments, support and heck we even have special parking spots.. there is so much fuss ( the good positive kind of fuss) over a pregnant woman.
After our kids are born it lingers for a little while.. and then motherhood is in full force. Once that happens we aren't treated the same as we were before motherhood or as we were while being pregnant. Moms typically are assumed as unattractive and boring or not as much fun. ( Tell me you cant relate to that on some level... how many of us have become distance with certain friends that dont have kids.. you know this is true)
Its important for EVERY mother to feel special, important, powerful and YES even HOT! ( yes i know quite a few friends of mine whom have children are hot moms! )
Anya started mamapower to really celebrate moms, celebrate the great thing that moms do! Becoming a mother doesn't mean your life stops, it simply means that your life is beginning with a even greater purpose! Its not ever just ONE mom raising a child, its a collaboration of moms new or old. We are not just a person that became boring or old or anything negative! We are teaching, raising and caring for a child we have carried and loved even before the first time we held them.. and that is POWERFUL!
I want to quote something that was in the package with my absolute FAVORITE article of clothing now.. ( you will see it in a moment )
"Motherhood is often defined not by a daily feeling of triumph, but instead by small moments of power : moments of love, laughter, fun, learning, redemption wisdom in the making."
Now i will not go into details about the last 2 days. I will tell you that thursday morning I got a call that made my mega mom protector mode go off in the biggest way. I was scared, sad, worried and most of all I was ANGRY! I was rushing to get ready and I spotted this shirt. All I could think at that point was that's the shirt i need to wear.
No my shirt didn't have special powers, it didn't give me invisibility nor was it going to give me the answers or the solution that I needed to make it through what i was dealing with. BUT it did remind me that Im NOT weak, im not uninteresting or boring! I am was and will always be powerful and most of all I wasn't alone.
Im quite emotional during this review and I wanted to share this with you because I know that as a mother there are days when you just feel like you are under appreciated or overwhelmed. The last 48 hours have been pretty brutal! Thankfully Im never alone.. i really do have a great support system!
Anya has her website on the page there is a "moments of power" page where you can share your moments of power and be in touch and read other stories from moms. When your story is featured.. you will get a mana power gear card set to thank you for your wisdom and bravery.
Now I have not yet reached out to Anya to tell her any of this.. I will wait til tomorrow to let her know that when i wore MY shirt.. I felt stronger and braver.. and I was the mom I needed to be with the strength I honestly didn't think that I had in me.

I will also post more about MAMAPOWER tomorrow on my blog when I get a chance but i needed to share this TONIGHT!

( i did receive this shirt in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. MY story is mine and not influenced by anyone! )

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