Nov 25, 2015

For the love of all good books!

My child has been reading so many books in the last few years she just gets more and more interested in reading. I cant keep enough books in the house for her!
I allowed my daughter to review this book because the target audience is children 9 and up. I personally loved watching her read this book. She was very interested in it and is and has been for some time now a book lover. She hardly put this book down and in turn had it read in 2 days. 
She did tell me that Winnie and her were very similar they are both pretty smart 10 year olds. ( that )
Here is her review of the book
" A is for The Alchemist is a book about a 10 year old girl and her brother, a series of animals including a mechanical Hawk and a Mad Scientist who wants to turn base metal into gold. I wont tell you if they were able to stop him but it was fun to read how this all played out. The characters were so easy to visualize for me while reading this book! I think i am a lot like Winnie because we are the same age and very smart.
I think the author did a great job on this book and I can't wait for "B" is for "
D - age 10
So I would say as a parent and her as the child we both would recommend this book! She is thrilled with it and can't wait for the next book by Mr Larson!
Buy your copy here ( also available for kindle)…/…/ref=asap_bc…
* I received this product for free or heavily discounted for unbiased honest review! These opinions and thoughts are our honest review!

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