Dec 16, 2015


Isnt it a great feeling when you find a t-shirt that well.. not only fits your personality but fits you body nicely too. ( I especially love when they are SOFT too, some shirts are stiff and rough kinda) 
I found this business when i was looking for a gift Idea for my little sister ( bless her heart! )  Shes one of those really girly girl types.. but make no mistakes.. shes NOT afraid to get dirty thats for sure shes what I call a country girl.. she can either knock em dead in some heels.. or put a hurtin on ya while looking cute as can be in her old dirty boots! 
 does this sound like you too? Real County Ladies has you covered ladies!

A Lot of the designs i found were really great for stomping out the oh girlie girls poor poor me stereotypes that use to be popular.. But I loved this design so much I knew i had to pick this one! Because at the end of the day even if it hurts your feelings.. ill just tell you how it is! 

 Here are some more of these KICK@__ designs that they have available too!

I received this product for free or heavily discounted for my unbiased honest review! My opinions and thoughts are my own and no one else’s

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